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Blog Tutorial - October 19, 2024

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All About Blog

What is a blog?

A blog is a truncated word of web and log.

It is a type of website that is used to give or share ideas to its readers.

Generally, it is use for personal or professional purposes.

How blogging works?

Generally, blogging is just writing any content that is published online with the help of blogging platform like Blogger and WordPress.

Additionally, these blogging platforms are hosted online (free hosting and self-hosted plan) that makes your blog live in the World Wide Web.

Why do people blog?

There are lot of reasons why people do blogging.

  1. Share ideas
    One of the reasons why people do blogging is because they just want to share their thoughts and ideas to its readers.
    For example, they want to share their thoughts about a certain thing that they may think people need to know.
  2. Share their experiences
    Another reasons why people do blogging is that they want to share their experiences in their daily lives such as their daily routines and journeys.
    For example, most celebrities do blogging because they just want to update their followers about their daily routine, their experiences, and journeys.
  3. To build an own brand
    This is another reason why people do blogging.
    They do blogging because they want to build a personal or professional brand.
    A great example of this are celebrities who are making their own name in the blogging industry.
  4. To promote their products and services
    A lot of people enter the world of blogging for a reason that they want to promote their products and services.
    For example, some bloggers use blogging platforms to promote their products and services.
    They write some reviews about the effectiveness of their products and services and the like.
  5. To build a community
    Building a small community is another reason why people do or enter the blogging industry.
    They want to meet people who have the same with their interests.
  6. To earn money
    Last but not the least why people do blogging is because they want to earn money from it.
    Yes, blogging is not just about writing content because through it, you can earn money that can be a life changer.
What content do Blogger writes?

Generally, most content that bloggers write are in informative style.

They write content just to inform their readers about something

This can be is a listicles style, review, guides and tutorials (DIY), tips, etc.

However, content writers can also write to narrate, entertain, persuade, etc.

Final thought:

While there are lot of things you need to know about blogging, here, we just extracted some basic knowledge about blog and how it works.